In the Orenburg region extended the term of the incentives for investors

Development of investment activity in the region remains among the most important priorities of the government and the Corporation of development of the Orenburg region, despite the difficult economic situation caused by the threat of the spread of a new coronavirus infection. The regional government continues to create conditions enabling to develop the business even in a difficult situation.

– Work with investors did not stop for the whole time of isolation, she moved to new formats. We have been working closely with the business community to quickly respond and appropriately react to all changes occurring at the regional level, – says the General Director of Corporation of development of the Orenburg region Ignat roosters.

the result is a new package of measures of support for investors operating in the region. The amendments include increasing the period for receiving state support in the form of tax breaks on property tax from three to five years for each facility, was extended and the total period of application of tax exemptions from five to seven years.

the Relevant amendments made in June, members of the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg region the regional law “On tax on property of organizations” and “On investment activity in territory of the Orenburg region, implemented in the form of capital investments”.

Changes apply to investors who receive state support in the form of tax breaks on the property in the current year and carrying out activities in the sectors of economy most affected by the spread of coronavirus infection, but also investors who plan to receive a specified state, starting in 2020.

from January 2020, the region enacted the Law of the Orenburg oblast “On investment tax deduction for the tax on profit of organizations in the Orenburg region”, providing certain preferences to organizations engaged in economic activity in the most promising for Orenburg areas. Normative act defined categories of taxpayers, objects of fixed assets, as well as the size of the investment tax deduction and rate.

In General, the development of economy and social sphere for the first quarter of this year, the region attracted 37.2 billion rubles, which is 8.4 percent more than in the same period last year. The share of large and medium enterprises of the Orenburg region in the total investment volume rose by almost 15 percent.

the Main contribution to the common Fund of the region made “Orenburgneft” with the investment program for the development of new fields, infrastructure objects, the implementation of the target gas programme aimed at achieving 95 percent of utilization of gas. The leaders are also PJSC “T Plus” with the project of construction of the svetlinskaya PC-1 installed capacity of 30MV and “Gazpromneft – Orenburg” performs the project of drilling on the WU ANGCM. Not remained aloof and industrial enterprises, among them “Gaisky GOK”, which is reconstructing the underground mine to increase production to nine million tonnes of ore per year. “Ural steel” – with the project of building a boiler room with two boilers of medium pressure with utilities CHP, “Orsknefteorgsintez”, a project on the implementation of the fifth start-up complex of the investment program of the company.

For further stabilization of the situation, the government of the Orenburg region expressed continued support for sustainable development and providing tax incentives for investment activities in the region.