The analyst evaluated the results of the elections in Croatia

The victory of the Croatian democratic Union (HDZ, HDZ) Prime Minister Andrei Plenkovich in the parliamentary elections means that citizens do not want to gain more radical right-wing politicians, said to RIA Novosti chief analyst at administration of the President of Croatia in 2011-2014, doctor of political Sciences Dejan Jovic.

In Croatia, the Sunday elections to the Sabor (Parliament) of the country. According to preliminary data GEEK c 99.96% of places for voting, the center-right CDU receives 66 mandates, "Restart" at the head of the opposition Social democratic party close to President Zoran Milanovic, – 41 seats right "Patriotic movement" singer and businessman Miroslav Skoro – 16 mandates.

In Parliament these data are also independent of the movement of the BRIDGE the former Chairman of the Croatian Parliament Mr. božo Petrov, the new left movement and the social Democrats "Can!" the bloc led by the liberal party Pametno ("Reasonable"), Croatian national party (HNS) and "Reformists".

"I Think that a coalition between the CDU and the movement of Mr. Skoro unlikely. Rather, the parliamentary majority and then a government will be formed CDU, eight representatives of the Hungarian, Italian and Serbian minorities, and two small parties who have only one mandate – the Croatian people’s party (HNS) and "Reformists", – said doctor of political Sciences Agency.

Jovic expects the new government almost will not differ from the previous Cabinet Andrew Plenkovich. According to him, the number of votes and mandates received by the CDU shows that the majority of citizens do not want a change in government and of course that goes to the government.

"Voters will not interfere with that of the CDU in coalition with the ethnic minorities and the centrist HNS, and they reject any attempt at a sharp and large change, which promotes Score and his associates. We are talking about more radical policy towards minorities, which would also be against free and independent media and civil society organizations and would bring to Croatia the elements "of urbanizatsii", – said the analyst.

According to his forecast, the Cabinet of Croatia will continue in the same personal composition, that was before the election.