Footage captures teenage Russian footballer being struck by LIGHTNING in freak accident that reportedly left him in COMA VIDEO

Shocking footage has emerged of the moment when Ivan Zaborovsky, of Znamya Truda in the third tier of Russian football, was struck by lightning during a training session in a freak accident that hospitalized the teenage goakeeper.

The footage of the shocking incident shows Zaborovsky running up to take a shot at an empty goal during the warm-up while his outfield teammates train nearer the edge of the pitch in the foreground.

With no-one around him, the 16-year-old is suddenly seen being engulfed by a puff of dark smoke as he approaches the ball on the edge of the penalty area.

Zaborovsky was transported from Orekhovo-Zuev to a hospital in Lyubertsy, where he is continuing to be monitored.

Невероятное видео: во время тренировки в 16-летнего вратаря клуба «Знамя Труда» Ивана Заборовского попала молния. Парень выжил, но серьезно пострадал и сейчас находится в реанимации в тяжёлом состоянии. Его ввели в искусственную кому.

The account responsible for the footage, taken from almost level with where the lightning bolt appears to have struck, said Zaborovsky had been put in an artificial coma after being admitted to intensive care in a serious condition.

A club update reproduced the clip and said that Zaborovsky was in a stable but not life-threatening condition, having returned a normal cardiogram after suffering “severe burns”.

“Everyone worked quickly and very professionally,” said Igor Mayorov, the General Director of Truda.

“The ambulance arrived in eight minutes. Most likely, he had a respiratory arrest.

“He received first aid and it may be because of this that he remained alive.”

Гендиректор ФК «Знамя Труда»: «Все сработали быстро, очень профессионально, скорая приехала через восемь минут. Скорее всего, у него была остановка дыхания, ему оказали первую медицинскую помощь, может, благодаря этому ребенок и жив остался, — сказал Майоров.

Mayorov dismissed claims by some fans on social media that training should not have taken place when there was a risk of extreme conditions.

“There was a clear sky, albeit overcast – neither rain nor wind,” he explained.

“If there was a thunderstorm, then we would not have trained – the coach would have taken the players to the gym.”