Lukashenko presented General’s shoulder straps to senior officers

In the Republic, said the President, commanders of this level a bit, and getting the rank of General is a public recognition of the achievements of a man who chose his fate a hard profession – to defend the Homeland.

In the Palace of Independence was celebrated on Monday and honors military educational institutions. Congratulating the servicemen on the end of the study, Lukashenko gave to understand that this event is important not only for each of them, but for the military control bodies, military units and formations of power structures. Symbolically, he added that the titles of officers given in the year marking the great historical date – the 75th anniversary of the great Victory.

Addressing the participants of the meeting, the President formulated the task facing defenders of the Fatherland. He noted that the leadership of the Republic of Belarus always pays close attention to the security of the country. “We equip the army with new tanks, communications and electronic warfare, constantly updated fleet of aircraft. Now the attending officers have to actively work to maintain constant combat readiness units and military units,” – stated the commander in chief.

Stressing that Belarus is an active participant in the process of strengthening international security, he regretfully acknowledged that the threat of destruction of the global system of arms control has become a reality. Continues “the militarization of Eastern Europe, the intensification of military activities” and the borders of Belarus, according to Lukashenko, “no good leads”. Risks and challenges in the military sphere are growing, trust between countries is undermined and “against this background of economic, demographic, and environmental problems will worsen”, – said the President.

among the priorities in the activities of law enforcement, he called the maintenance of public order in the country and the security of citizens, combating drug abuse, corruption, strengthening the fight against theft and crimes in the sphere of high technologies.

A service and the control bodies of the Ministry of emergency situations, the President stressed, should further work on the prevention and elimination of incidents and accidents. “Special attention should be paid to safe operation of nuclear power station,” he said.

the Head of state wished all participants good health and a reliable rear. “And do not disgrace anywhere else in my life his name, and most importantly – officer ranks. You are officers, generals, and that says a lot,” summed up the Belarusian leader.