The President of Poland wanted to ban gays from adopting children

The President of Poland Andrzej Duda signed the draft amendments to the Constitution, prohibiting the adoption of children by same-sex couples, the correspondent of RIA Novosti.

In Poland banned same-sex marriage, moreover, who is running for a second term Duda announced that he will not allow the registration of such marriages in Poland, yet will hold the presidency. At the same time, the question of the adoption of children by same-sex couples not yet legally settled.

Now the draft amendments to the Constitution will go to the lower house of the Polish Parliament (Sejm). As expected, the law will easily pass the consideration in the Seimas and will be adopted, as most in this chamber is the ruling party "law and justice", and advanced tune as their candidate for the presidency.

By signing the document, Duda explained that in Polish law there is a rule stating that you can adopt "only a minor and only for his sake".

He added that in accordance with his proposal in the Constitution will be written, that to adopt a child "can a person in a relationship of cohabitation with a person of the same sex".

"I am very glad that you can realize its promise. I am very glad that I realize what was my campaign promises is to support Polish families, to protect children. Children will be protected from adoption by same-sex couples, homosexual couples", – said the Polish President.

According to him, more than 70% of Polish society are opposed to the possibility of adoption of children by same-sex couples.