Rudkovskaya told about the surveillance of her house

Producer and the wife of the double Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko Yana Rudkovskaya complained about the drones used by journalists to monitor her country house. About combat drones entrepreneur wrote in his Instagram account.

“I Remember last year on our home and patch flew, and then left the materials with the location of all objects. We have now established a clever system — shoots down any drone so that I would not risk” — said Rudkovskaya. She reported that all the items falling on “our territory” will automatically become the property of the family. “Especially when flying illegally”, — said the producer.

Earlier in June, a former skater and now coach Alexander Zhulin spoke about the popularity of Plushenko, Yana Rudkovskaya and their son Alexander. The athlete noted that “they are all the time on the hype”. According to Zhulin, family star likes to attract attention and they should not be to condemn.