Putin instructed to increase the responsibility for the cruel treatment of animals


the Order issued last June 5 meeting with environmentalists and animal rights activists. Deadline: before 1 December. In addition, for the preparation of draft laws aimed at improvement of legislation in the field of treatment of animals should be created a working group with the participation of experts and parliamentarians.

the Prosecutor General’s office of the Russian Federation jointly with the Russian interior Ministry is mandated to audit all violations against the animal, which was discussed during the meeting. Report of the President waiting until September 1.

In the list of instructions following meeting also States that subsoil users must ensure the protection of objects of fauna and flora, including conservation of biological diversity. Improvement of legal regulation of this issue is entrusted to the Cabinet, the deadline is the same – December 1st.

Before November 1, the government will have to define measures of state support of shelters for animals who find themselves in a difficult financial situation in pandemic coronavirus.

Vladimir Putin at a meeting with environmentalists said that the inclusion in the Constitution of the Russian Federation norms about responsible treatment of animals will allow us to feel civilised”. He said that among the initiatives of citizens for amendments to the Constitution proposed to strengthen the requirements for preservation of environment and to toughen the penalties for inhumane treatment of animals.

– Fully support this approach, the President said. – It is a national asset in the full sense of the word, about our pride, about our duty to future generations.

Russia and Russians is very important to preserve the richness of the natural world, and the people’s opinion on this topic is a top priority, said the head of state.