The court banned the divorced Russian citizen to keep a dog in the apartment

In Orenburg, the court banned one of the owners of one-bedroom apartments to keep a dog at home. The conflict over the shepherd arose between the former spouses living in the same room. This was reported on the website of the Orenburg regional court.

the dog’s Owner divorced his wife, but the entire family — former husband, wife and their daughter continue to live in “odnushke”. The dog was uncomfortable to the wife and daughters: in their words, the ex-head of the family bad courted her — often left the animal unattended, rarely walked and as a whole created unsanitary conditions for living of the other owners.

Tenants have addressed in court with the requirement about eviction of the dog, and the results of the consideration of the case of the divorced Russian citizen was forbidden to keep a German shepherd in the apartment.

a Similar conflict in 2016 happened in Novgorod: the bailiffs had evicted from the communal apartment dog breed the cane Corso. Lived in the apartment the woman went to court she claimed that the animal threatened the safety of her children.