Product with a record number of calcium is poorly absorbed

Physician and nutritionist, candidate of medical Sciences Ekaterina burljaeva explained that in some plant foods the calcium content is much higher than in foods of animal origin (for example, in the rich calcium milk or cheese). So, a hundred grams of cottage cheese contains about 120 mg of calcium. But in the same amount of sesame seeds over 1,400 mg of calcium. It is approximately 147% of the daily value.

However, the absorption of calcium from sesame seeds is very low, the doctor warned. The fact that sesame is preventing the absorption element phytic acid. While in the vegetable product is vitamin D which promotes the absorption of calcium. Therefore, to prevent calcium deficiency and problems with the bones (including osteoporosis), it is recommended to include in the diet is milk products, reports

– day is recommended two servings of milk or dairy products. 200-300 grams of milk, fermented milk drink or yogurt and 15 grams of cheese, – said the doctor.