The who declared the interest to the Russian vaccine against coronavirus

the world health organization (who) is interested in the Russian vaccine against coronavirus. About it RIA Novosti said the chief researcher who Sumia Swaminathan.

According to her, the organization would like to see Russian developers in the “test of solidarity” for developing vaccines. Who is also closely monitoring the testing of avifauna. “Pass two or three tests of the medicines, so we expect results,” — said the researcher.

“Tests of solidarity” launched by who on March 18 to exchange data on different types of treatment for COVID-19 and testing of drugs. It has about 45 countries, but Russia, USA, UK, China and France refused to participate in it.

In late June, the Director of the center “Vector” Rinat Maksyutov said that three prototypes of Russian vaccine against the coronavirus was successfully tested on the ability to generate an immune response and shown to be effective.

on 18 June the first volunteer introduced experienced Russian vaccine against coronavirus, developed by the Ministry of defence in cooperation with the National research centre of epidemiology and Microbiology named after academician Gamalei. After vaccination from COVID-19 feel well. Any complications or adverse reactions have been identified.