Customers are protected

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has approved the rules of issuing subsidies to business for the prevention of coronavirus infection. For these purposes previously allocated 20 billion rubles. Will assist organizations working directly with customers and obliged therefore to comply with the regulations of the Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human well-being. This requires a significant expenditure, and the government is ready to partially help.

the subsidy is calculated from 15 000 rubles at the initial costs and at 6,500 rubles for each employee number may 2020. Individual entrepreneurs without hired personnel may apply only for a first, fixed part.

Approved a list of areas of activity that need new support. The right to a subsidy granted to small and medium enterprises working in the fields of consumer services, public catering, sports and recreation, sanatorium-resort, additional education of children and adults and day care of children, as well as socially oriented non-profit organizations. For hotels and other tourist accommodation facilities are established, provided that the number of rooms should not exceed 100 rooms. In addition, assistance can contact the organization of the SMEs, produce and sell excisable products. Applicants must not have delinquent taxes and insurance premiums in excess of three thousand rubles, to pass the procedure of liquidation or bankruptcy.

a Request for a subsidy must submit to the IRS using private tax from 15 July to 15 August inclusive.

the Cabinet of Ministers adopted several additional decisions relating to the medical component of the fight against coronavirus. First, it allocated USD 7.45 billion on the presidential incentive payments to medical and other workers directly involved in helping citizens with coronavirus infection. Earlier, by order of the President, the surcharge was extended for another two months – July and August. Signed by order, the money is distributed between the regions. More than 1.5 billion rubles is intended for Moscow, St. Petersburg will receive 1.2 billion.

second, Mikhail Mishustin signed the decree of the government, perfection of the procedure of inclusion of medicines in the list of drugs which can be procured by health facilities under trade names. Expand the circle of experts involved in the formation of the list. Review of applications will be not less than two chief freelance specialists of the Ministry of health, specializing in the use of the drug. They, in turn, will be to collect expert opinions from medical and pharmaceutical��fir communities.

the Document also will allow patients to be treated at home the same drugs that the doctors prescribed to them in the hospital. This rule will be valid when you transfer to another medical facility.