Camp walking distance

“We have included (in sanitary-and-epidemiologic requirements to the institutions for children and youth. – Approx. ed.) and the strengthening of monitoring of health status, and strengthening of disinfection regime and distancing, and requirements for the organization of power and mode of disinfection – a number of measures, which we are sure will make the rest safe to the health of children”, – explained the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova.

Groups can only be filled 50%. It is not allowed to open camps in tent-like. Children should be provided safe recreation and distancing when visiting the common places of use and meal. Are not permitted public events.

They were banned in schools. Also in schools, each class should be assigned a separate training room in which to hold courses in all subjects, with the exception of activities that require special equipment (physical education, fine arts, physics, etc.).

Educational institutions will work according to a specially developed schedule of classes, changes designed to minimize contact between students. Airing recreations and corridors in schools must be conducted during lessons, and classrooms – in a time of change.