The CPS told about the risk of new pandemics

Have found in China a new strain of swine flu has a high potential for the development of the pandemic. This was stated by a leading expert of the Center for molecular diagnostics CMD TSNII of epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Mikhail Lebedev.

He noted that in order to avoid another pandemic, it is necessary to monitor circulation of the virus among animals and people working on pig farms. Conducted on ferrets and cultures of human cells studies have shown that the virus can be transmitted by droplet infection and penetrate the cells of other people.

In addition, the expert believes the virus is very contagious. According to him, it can cause symptoms that are more severe in comparison with other flu viruses.

According to Lebedev, immunity to seasonal influenza does not protect people against the new virus.

Previously, Public news service reported that the flu kills not fewer doctors than the coronavirus.

The message Rospotrebnadzor announced about the risk of new pandemic swine flu appeared first on IA "Public news service".