The Treaty on open skies could fall

Moscow admits that the Treaty on open skies will collapse on "Domino effect", told RIA Novosti Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

"We assume that "Domino effect" possible and most zealously supported by US in various countries under pressure from Washington to consider the possibility. That’s all we want to do, because then the contract would inevitably come to ruin," the diplomat said.

The sixth of July will take place a teleconference of the participating countries of the open skies Treaty. The main topic of discussion will be the Washington’s decision to withdrawal from the agreement.

Ryabkov said that during the meeting States are unlikely to change their decision. According to the diplomat, Moscow is considering all options responses.

"By and large, the situation depends on how to lead other countries and to what extent the current parties to the Treaty to be responsible for his fate, aware, not simply declarative, but in practice will demonstrate that they are concerned about the situation in the sphere of European security that they don’t go on about those in Washington for whom the destruction of architecture in the field of arms control has become a major challenge", — said the Deputy head of the foreign Ministry.

the Treaty on open skies

The Treaty on open skies was signed in 1992 and became one of the measures for strengthening confidence in Europe after the cold war. It operates since 2002, and allows the participating countries to openly gather information about military forces and activities of each other. Parties to the Treaty are 34 States.

The President of the United States Donald trump announced earlier that Washington is out of contract and would be outside of the agreement, while Russia "will not perform its obligations". However, he did not rule out the development of new agreements.

Russia has repeatedly rejected claims of the United States. So, the defense Ministry said that American intelligence officers began to accuse Moscow of violating the Treaty to prevent observation flights over its territory.