Russia responded to allegations of increased radiation in Europe

The assertion that missile tests by Russia became the reason of increase of radiation over Northern Europe, are unfounded. So responded to these allegations, the Russian foreign Ministry, RIA Novosti reported.

Informed the International atomic energy Agency (IAEA) reported that the jump in radiation levels in Northern Europe near the borders with Russia can be caused by work at a nuclear reactor. However, the specific release location of particles not yet found.

In late June, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that no alerts about the increased radiation background in the Northern borders of Russia is not received.

Sensors of radiation monitoring in Norway, Finland and Sweden registered in early June, exceeding the level of radioactive substances at the Northern borders of Russia. Media quoted the report of the National Institute of health and environment of the Netherlands (RIVM) that the radionuclides came from the West of Russia.

RIVM later denied media reports that the source of the increase of background radiation in Northern Europe was Russia. In the Institute organization noted that at this stage, we cannot determine the specific country of source. However, the organization claims that the radionuclides could still come to Europe from Western Russia. The scientists also suggested that journalists mistranslated posted earlier information about the contamination.

In Roshydromet said that excess levels of radioactive particles in the Baltic sea area is not detected. In “Rosenergoatom” also said that accidents at nuclear power plants of the North-West of Russia in June were not recorded emissions at the stations did not exceed control values.