Lukashenko spoke about the strong relations with the US

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko the greetings of the American colleague Donald Trump on the Day of independence of the United States noted the importance of building a durable and constructive relationship with Washington to Minsk "based on shared values and priorities", said on Saturday the press service of the head of the Republic.

The United States celebrate independence Day on July 4, Belarus had celebrated independence Day on 3 July. For this reason Lukashenko has congratulated trump, he, in particular, expressed the hope to strengthen cooperation between the two countries, including in the economic sphere, "an example of which was the historic first delivery of American crude oil to Belarus this year".

"Building a durable and constructive relations with the United States on the basis of common values and priorities is one of the main objectives of the Belarusian foreign policy", – said in greeting the President.

The Belarusian head of state noted that making more dynamic contacts in the spheres of economy, innovation, Finance, science and education meets the interests of both countries. Lukashenko expressed confidence that raising the level of diplomatic representation in Minsk and Washington would contribute to the effective implementation of joint projects.

The Belarusian leader wished the Trump good health, successful conduct of this year’s US presidential election and the American people soon overcome the temporary difficulties, peace, harmony and prosperity.

Washington and Minsk are mutually recalled its Ambassador in 2008, now the Embassy is headed by temporary attorneys. Recently Belarus ‘ relations with the West improved on the background of the role of Minsk settlement of the conflict in the East of Ukraine. Including the intensified visits of senior American officials in Belarus. So, the Republic on 1 February called for U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo in part of their Eurasian tour, he held talks with Lukashenka and Belarusian foreign Minister Vladimir Makei. The parties confirmed their willingness to exchange ambassadors.

Trump may have made to the Senate candidacy of the Deputy assistant Secretary Julie Fisher for approval to the post of Ambassador in Minsk. The arrival in Minsk of the American Ambassador is expected in the summer of the current year, reported in early June, the chargé d’affaires of the United States Jennifer Moore. Belarus plans to complete the procedure in the direction of the Ambassador of the Republic in the United States for two months, said on 30 June Mackay.