“Russia, we were advised to focus on peaceful settlement” Aguila Saleh, the speaker of the house of representatives of Libya


While the Libyan national army under the command of field Marshal Khalifa the Haftarot were forced to retreat from Tripoli, speaker based in the East of Libya’s house of representatives Aguila Saleh gaining political points. At the end of April, he proposed a solution in Libya, which, as noted by several local media, was in Moscow, and then repeatedly appealed to Egypt asking for military support. Cairo refused, setting a “red line” — the offensive of the forces of the national consensus Government to the East and take control of the oil Crescent (from Sirte to al-Jufri). What connects Moscow and Mr Saleh, who is the author of its initiatives and whether it will again ask Cairo for help — the speaker of the house of representatives has told in interview to the correspondent of “Kommersant” Marianna Belenkaya.— What are the main results of your visit to Moscow?— The visit was very successful. It was confirmed the support of the Cairo Declaration, the outcome of the Berlin conference and other international efforts. We talked about the ceasefire, the promotion of peace, the inadmissibility of foreign intervention in Libya, as well as equitable distribution of oil revenues. — What was the outcome of the conversation?— Contacts continue. Here, for example, Minister Lavrov was appointed chargé d’affaires in Libya, we will continue to contact with the UN to implement the Cairo Declaration. And all this was decided in the course of today’s conversation. Did you discuss any economic problems?— Discussed the assistance of the national company of Libya on laying the railway line from the East to Sirte. And the Minister gave a recommendation to Russian companies participated in it. Also discussed old agreement, agreed that previous contracts have to reconsider from the point of view of what is possible to realize and what is not. It works in the field of oil, gas, Railways, construction. But talk about all of this, God forbid, when will form the Executive authority and after the stabilization of the situation.— What has to happen before you officially asked Egypt to intervene in military conflict in Libya?— I asked, when I spoke in the Egyptian Parliament, and the deputies gave its President the authority to take appropriate decision. Question about military intervention of Cairo in the Libyan case directly affects the Egyptian national security: the military aircraft flying near the Egyptian border, the seizure by armed groups of oil fields. And Egypt will intervene as soon as you understand that there is a threat to its security. This was a point President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. But at the same time his word is first and foremost a call for a ceasefire and find a political solution. So we understand that.— Discuss anyone with you the conservation of Sirte and al-Jufri the forces of the Libyan national army?— No. Our military will defend these places because there are the important objects for the Libyan people. The mercenaries and terrorists, destroying everything in its path. And we have great concerns that resources that belong to the Libyan people, will be destroyed. And all States who are calling for the ceasefire, they also have such concerns.— A lot of information about what Russia and other countries looking for an alternative to the General of the Caliph Haftarot and see you in leadership roles. Is it really so?— No (laughs). Haftar commander of the Armed forces, the leader of the national army, authorized by the Parliament. Aguila Saleh, the head of an elected Parliament. Each of us does its work. Don’t need comparisons and mappings. People will choose the head of state in free elections when the time comes. In one posted video, you talk about his initiative to find a political settlement and say “the Russian”. What does it mean? Was your initiative developed in Russia?— My initiative — that was built on what political system Libya since independence — the equal representation of regions in power. It is known to all. I mentioned “the Russian”, who spoke about the need to give impetus to the political process. But our vision of a political settlement is exclusively Libyan. Just our Russian friends in connection with the military situation and the overall situation in the region, including coronavirus, gave us advice to focus on a peace settlement. And based on this advice, relying on the fact that the Libyan conflict has no military solution, and was created by our initiative.— Ie Russian advisers you wrote nothing?— No. They just advised to move towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict.— This week representatives of the US administration in the negotiations with the command of the Libyan national army has warned against contacts with PMCs Wagner. What kind of assistance you have to promise US that you refused contact with Russian PMC?— First of all, we in principle do not accept that we have pointed out, from whom to accept help, and from whom not. But we are ready to cooperate with those who want to help us. However, we do not need fighters. All we need is technical assistance, and training our military. And the kind of assistance we are ready to take from everyone, including from Russia. Our military was in Russia, we have Russian weapons. Naturally, we communicate with the Russians. This is a personal matter. We believe its interests.— Tripoli, Ankara and Washington continues to accuse Moscow in the presence of Rossiyskih fighters in Libya…— If these people we had, the other party would have to capture someone from the Russian soldiers. But this did not happen. But we were able to arrest Turkish officers and mercenaries.— Have you discussed your question about any help from the US?— Yet. But as I said, we are open to dialogue with all who can help our nation and state. With the Americans I had no contacts except for the call of the US Ambassador, in which he supported the Cairo Declaration.