The justice Ministry will toughen the rules of the penalty the sentence: evaders can go to jail

to Tighten the rules on the enforcement of criminal fines is the intention of the Ministry of justice. If the convicted person are greedy and don’t hurry to part with money, it without hesitation will send for a lattice.

the Ministry of justice introduces amendments to both the law “On enforcement proceedings” and the Criminal Executive code. The most serious changes are waiting for those penalties will be appointed as the main punishment for a crime. In the current version of the law is the period during which it is possible to pay in 60 days. From the new wording of the paragraph is gone. Instead of a specific time interval appears vague phrase of the period of time specified in a court sentence. Disappear in case of approval of the amendments and the mention of a five-year installment payment of a fine. In addition, the bailiffs will be faster to work on the debtors having overdue. Now the bailiff shall no earlier than ten, but not later than thirty days from the date when the convicted person ceased to pay to send to the court a recommendation to replace the penalty more severe form of punishment. According to the draft amendments, this period is planned to shrink to ten days. The starting point remains the same – the day when the debtor had to pay the penalty in full or in part, but did not. One important caveat: the new version of the law will focus on independent for payment of a fine to the offenders. That is, to transfer the money for careless friend or relative to resolve his problems with the law, will not work. Finally, according to the Ministry of justice, the concept of a law implies unconditional replacement of a penalty more severe form of punishment (including imprisonment) for debtors evaders.