“Particular importance to labor law – equal protection of the rights of workers wherever they were working, the Minister said. – Practice has shown that existing legal norms do not fully take into account the current practice of labour”.

According to Anton Kotkov, during a pandemic 90% of cases in the Fes were associated with the consultations on the organization of remote work.

As shown, with remote questions arise with respect for labour schedule of employees, overtime, difficulty with feedback from employers. Especially acute the problem became in connection with the operational mass transfer of employees to remote employment.

“We have provided in the amendments to the labour code of the Russian Federation three forms of employment, – the Minister added. – Remote (remote), temporary remote (remote) and combined when the employee part time working in the office or in the factory, and the rest from home or another location. Separately spelled out, as should be recorded working hours of the employees working in remote format.”

While Anton Kotkov believes that in a few years the format of remote work has become more established, it will be the same familiar and understandable form of working, as the current daily visit offices and production facilities.