the Document was submitted by deputies from “Fair Russia” Dmitry Jonas and Fedot Tumusov.

As explained by Jonas, today the mobile phone numbers of subscribers do not belong.

Problems arise, if a citizen, for example, leads the channel in the messenger or social network, is a member of the cryptocurrency exchanges, conducts online business or has an account with a large number of subscribers.

– having Lost the subscriber number, the user may lose access to the account and to pay, including financial losses, – said the Deputy. Room can be linked to online banking.

Deputies suggest to pass rooms in the property an additional service. It will allow the owner, for example, to transmit the number of inherited.

– mobile users are entitled to keep the selected subscriber number for a, – is spoken in the explanatory note – and to dispose of it, including transfer to a third party on a reimbursable or non-reimbursable basis. Thus it is necessary to notify the mobile operator.

Additional, the service can be disabled again by contacting the operator. Either he’ll do it himself, if the subscriber within six months does not make a charge.