At this time got the image of the virgin Mary.

not for the first time in Spain, people without special education and experience to undertake the restoration of the statues, frescoes and ancient paintings. Of course, the result is appropriate.

the History of the famous fresco of the XVI century, Ecce Homo (“Behold the man”) with the image of Jesus Christ, which after the restoration of the local Church parishioner Cecilia giménez was named “Fluffy Jesus”, was repeated again, but already in Valencia.

an Anonymous collector decided to update the look of old copies of the painting “the Immaculate conception” by the Spanish Baroque painter Bartolome Esteban Murillo.

But something went wrong, and instead of “updated” picture of the collector received the caricature. It turned out that in the process the makers overdid it with the virgin Mary and twice tried to restore it, but it came to nothing, writes The Guardian.

The original is on the left. The two attempts at “restoring” it are on the right. Ouch.
“Experts call for regulation after the latest botched art restoration in Spain: Immaculate Conception painting by Murillo reportedly cleaned by furniture restorer.”

In the media and social networks as a broken picture called “the Potato Madonna”, and now she could compete with “Fluffy Jesus”.

Recall that earlier in several Spanish churches Amateur artist have “restored” ancient sculptures, due which has been destroyed not only their original appearance, but also historical value.

From common cases, such a failure of restoration artists and historians created a petition to the government demanding tougher laws that restore works of art and antiquity can only professionals.

Catherine Gura

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