the First film, whose action takes place entirely on a computer screen, appeared about five years ago. Then Thriller “unfriended,” directed by Leo Gubeladze looked like a promising technological art experiment. The conditions in which the entertainment industry has been during a pandemic, allowed technology screenlit become almost the only way of filming series and TV show. But while few people happy.
“Primitive”, “stupid”, “brain in isolation”… In the comments about skinlife series the public traditionally has a way with words. And even those who participated in such schemes, in an interview with blame tight shoulders and say that this situation in no other way, although, of course, the movie did not take off.
the Most notable projects, which takes place on computer screens and mobile devices, became the TV series “Cursed days” and “Secure communication” and sketch show “the mask show”. In all cases the casting was impressed, and from the abundance of stars just twinkling in his eyes. No less impressive and diligence with which celebrities practiced their scenes, they are usually shot in their own homes and apartments. Here Anna Mikhalkova in the role of an angry wife whose husband is stuck in isolation at masseuse, Igor Mirkurbanov in the image of Papa bringing a strange proposal very young girls, that’s Philip in the next cameo.
words simply a holiday. In fact — a very sad sight, the most exciting part of which is in the popular zoom-in scan, that is, the ability to see stellar interiors.
the most affected in this situation should probably classify Seeds Slepakova, the main author of “Cursed days”, and Konstantin Bogomolov, the Director of “Safe connections”. They are not that hopelessly disgraced, but become a pale shadow of themselves, because “house arrest” from Slepakova and “Kept woman” Bogomolov at the time, rightly earned all expressed in address of the series compliments.
Perhaps the situation itself, when a lot of people trapped in their apartments, was just perfect in order to try to turn videobloggers into a full-fledged Director. For producers there is a real Klondike. Star answering his cell phone, takes its cues and sends. No expeditions and challenging artistic decisions. And this selfie episode is likely to work well in a movie or TV series, but the seasonings are very few prospects of becoming the main course.
the Loudest sounds are of course question: why did you do it? Really it was not clear that all projects operating new for all circumstancesand quarantine will inevitably be crude, hasty, and from that ridiculous? If the idea is not fully defined in the head, it is better to keep silent. But this rule of the old world. In the modern world is impossible to be silent. Need to shout that is forces, so everyone can hear, speak any nonsense, if only on a hot topic, and be sure to catch mark where distribute minutes of fame.
Recently it seemed that among the stars there are many persons who have gained the privilege of not getting involved in anything. But the temptation to become the fashion, even they could not resist…