The lawyer explained why Efremov drink and drive “to help out a friend”

Famous Russian theater and film actor Mikhail Efremov was forced to sit behind the wheel to go to the hospital and to visit relatives of his friend. This was stated by the lawyer of the artist Elman Pashayev.

this lawyer said in an interview with the newspaper “Sobesednik”. According to him, friend Ephraim is now in the Ukraine and can not cross the border because of the restrictions associated with the pandemic of a new type of coronavirus. He called the actor and asked him to go to the hospital to help possibly his mother and wife are in serious condition.

the lawyer does not deny that Yefremov before drinking alcohol. The actor drank on the occasion of the Orthodox feast celebrated on that day.

“Michael drank, but sat behind the wheel to help out a friend. I assure you, this is a very conscientious person, he’s not going to get out somehow, to do something to avoid punishment,” the lawyer assured.