Every third Sunday of June the whole world celebrates. It was first celebrated in 1910 in the United States. This year father’s Day falls on June 21. The M. A. Bulgakov Museum, Moscow state Museum of S. A. Esenin, the space Museum, the State Museum of V. V. Mayakovsky State Museum of A. S. Pushkin talk about the fathers of their heroes.

Joint material and the Agency “Moscow”.

the Father of Mikhail Bulgakov Afanasiy Ivanovich was born in the family of a priest in 1859. After graduating from the Kiev theological Academy, he taught Greek language in Novocherkassk religious school, and in 1906 received the degree of doctor of divinity. At age 30, he married Varvara Pokrovskaya, teacher Karachevsky school, and soon became the father of a large family — after 12 years of marriage, the Bulgakovs were born seven children. According to the memoirs of daughter of Hope, the house always felt the insistence and seriousness of the father, but raising children in love, strongly encouraging their engagement with books and music. Junior Bulgakov often falling asleep to Chopin’s works that were performed at piano mother, or the singing of his father and his violin.

Bulgakov-the elder knew several foreign languages, and interest in their study has given to the children — that Athanasius Ivanovich taught the future writer of Latin and Greek.

Afanasiy Bulgakov worked hard, instilling a love of work to every household: could he in the morning to go to the Kiev Academy to the exam, and in the evening returned to the country, to uproot the trees and lay paths.

the Daughter of Hope, the third child Bulgakov, recalled:

In 1906, Afanasiy Ivanovich was sick — I was diagnosed with nephrosclerosis. On March 14, 1907, he was gone. The head of the family Bulgakov died in 48 years, and his eldest son from the same disease in 49. Remembering the last days of the writer’s life, Elena Bulgakov told in October 1960 in a letter to his brother Nikolai: “Misha was always, from the very first day when asked that I was with him, took my oath that I will not leave him in the hospital that he would die on my hands, warning that he’ll be all as with the father, Athanasius Ivanovich. And even a year said — 1939”.

Alexander Nikitich Yesenin in the childhood sang beautifully, the mother offered to give him a chorister in the Cathedral in Ryazan, but the boy refused. Realizing that his mother, a widow, is hard to contain four children at the age of 13 he went to Moscow to work. Alexander got a job in a butcher’s shop of the merchant Krylov, and eventually was promoted to senior clerk. The assaults he was in Konstantinovo, where at age 18 he married a local beauty Tatiana Titova, and at 22, became a father. Alexander Nikitich was not able to spend with his wife and son too much time, still working in Moscow.

From a young age, living in a big city, Esenina father valued education, loved books. CE��tra poet Catherine recalled: after learning that his son graduated Konstantinovskoe zemskoe school with commendable sheet, Alexander Nikitich “brought Goodies and two beautiful frame with glass. One commendable for leaf, another for the certificate of completion rural school. It is a reward for excellent performance of Sergei at the school. Merit rarely had in our village. The father removed from the wall, the portraits, and in their place hung a certificate of merit and a certificate hung below the rest of the portraits. When Sergey came, the father with a smile, showed him my work.”

In 1912, Sergei, graduated from the teacher school, moved to her father in Moscow, in a hostel lonely clerks (now there is the Moscow state Museum of S. A. Yesenin). Alexander Nikitich made a son a summer clerk to the bench, where he served himself, and in the autumn planned to send him to teacher’s Institute. However, the young poet already wanted independence: he quit his job in the shop and got a job in bookselling partnership “Culture”. The teacher’s Institute and it also did not relish — Sergey wanted to find his own place and not live at the behest of the father.

Alexander Nikitich abused son. He was upset that he was preoccupied with poetry. Esenin is a senior believed that this life is not to make money, and once their contradictions led to a major quarrel. My best friend Grigoriy Panfilov Sergey then wrote: “it was a great feud!.. Of course, I was not with him to make trouble… but he was in a hopeless situation. Especially choked me lack of money”.

communion with the son soon resumed in early 1914, he received the first royalties for the poems, about three hundred rubles, and brought his father. A friend of the poet Nikolai Saganowski remembered that by this act he wanted to prove that poetry can make good money. Over time, Alexander Esenin began to earnestly proud of their son’s talent.

Soon after the October revolution Krylov’s shop, where he worked Yesenin, Sr., closed, and Alexander Nikitich returned to Konstantinovo. After the town of village life became for him an ordeal.

In kostyantyniv Alexander Nikitich settled in the village Council — he was elected Secretary in the Committee of the poor. He told the peasants about post-revolutionary life, was written at the request of the villagers of letters and petitions. However, his health slowly deteriorated — the poet’s father was suffering from asthma. The news of the death of the son became Alexander Nikitich blow, he soon practically ceased to leave the house. Six years after the poet’s death 58-year-old Alexander Nikitich died of a broken heart.

the Father of the first cosmonaut was born in January 1902 in the village of Klushino of Gzhatsk uyezd, and was the eighth child in a poor peasant family. Alexey graduated only two classes of parochial school, but was curious, and later I decided to move toI self-education.

When in 1934, Alexei and Anna Gagarin’s third child was born, the Jura, the head of the family worked as a carpenter on the farm. Alexei Ivanovich always liked to work with wood. “I still remember the yellowish foam chips, as if she bathed an his large working hands, and the smell can distinguish types of wood, sweet maple, bitter oak, astringent flavor of pine, of which the father was making useful things for people”, — wrote in his book “Road to space” Gagarin. In Klushin’s the father of the astronaut would do any farm work — was a mechanic, a farmer, a shepherd and a carpenter. Alexei Ivanovich taught to work and four children who were glad when I could by to fix the fence or to harness a horse.

the Gagarins father was the chief — he taught his children to discipline, instilled honesty and integrity, not criticized and not praised without reason. Yuri remembered how father from a young age I explained to him that the order must be respected at all times, in all conditions, not only in the presence of superiors, taught to be proud of the uniform. In letters to the son of Alexei Ivanovich spoke about the need to be a real man:

In 1941, Alexei Gagarin along with his family were on Nazi-occupied territory, and soon after the village was freed, went to the army. His long service did not last — because of stomach ulcers Aleksey Ivanovich was in a military hospital in Gzhatsk (now Gagarin), where he remained to serve nastroeniem. The family moved to Gzhatsk, and carried with them from Closin wooden house, Gagarin, Sr. built himself.

After the war, Alexei Ivanovich worked as a commandant in the school, factory apprenticeship and carpenter at the factory “Speaker”, and in 1962 he retired. Son about the flight into space Gagarin learned on the job — he was a carpenter in the neighboring village to build a collective of tea when they came to the party Secretary and told him Yuri was a hero — the first man, ketabchi into space and returned.

Remembering the ride home after the flight, Yuri Gagarin wrote: “at the table, at the head of which was busy mother, gathered numerous relatives: my sister, Zoe, who still works as a nurse… Brother got married working as a mechanic-repairman at the factory. Brother Valentin who was a driver on the truck. So our collective family was a working family, the head of which was still strict and fair father.”

“Father, Vladimir Konstantinovich, Forester, tall, broad-shouldered, with black hair, combed sideways, with a black beard, tanned, frisky, expressive face. Movement quick, decisive. Cheerful, friendly, impressionable,” — so described his father Lyudmila Mayakovskaya, sister of the poet.

the head of the family was born in Georgia in a family of Zaporozhye cityiskich Cossacks. Vladimir Konstantinovich was responsive and kind person, had a good memory, was fond of poetry and liked to recite poetry: he knew by heart the works of Tolstoy, Nekrasov, and virtually all of “Eugene Onegin”. Lyudmila Mayakovskaya recalled that his father often sang the “Marseillaise” in French: Allons, enfants de la Patrie! (“Arise, sons of the Fatherland”), and the children did not understand a single word: “Then he sang: “Alon Zan fan de La four” and asked: “Well, now you understand?””

Vladimir Konstantinovich was a protective father, worried about the education of the children, gave them holidays. The son’s birthday coincided with his own, and celebrate this day in family with a special scale — Volodya specially for father taught poetry and performed in front of guests. When the boy was seven years old, Mayakovsky began to take him with you on trips in the forest, on the way he talked about the life of local peasants, who have always found relief in him, about the forest inhabitants and their responsibilities. The poet’s father was very passionate about the work, which for a time separated him from his family.

In 1900, the mother moved with the children in Kutais — Volodya had to prepare for admission to the school. To the family of Mayakovsky only thing missing was a father, who because of work had to constantly live in Baghdad. Vladimir K. really missed his wife and children, and every time he comes to Kutais became the occasion. The head of the family loved, is that in those days children were there. He tried to give them as much pleasure, went with the senior in the theater and on the evening and Junior was pampered with gifts.

Vladimir K. has served in the Baghdad forest area for 17 years, was in good relations with the local people, knew their customs and language. In February, 1906, father Mayakovsky appointed Kutaisi Forester, and now the whole family could live in the city. However, the dream of a family never came true: working, father pricked with a needle finger, formed a strong boil, and at the age of 49 years old man died. In his autobiography “I myself” his son Vladimir has written about this in short sentences, each of which reflected his pain,

the Poet-lover, military and state councillor Sergei Lvovich came from an ancient noble family Pushkin. Together with his brother Basil, he received a good education, he spoke French, was well versed in poetry and loved the theater. In five years, he wrote in the guard’s military career began with service as a Sergeant in the Izmailovsky regiment, where he was listed as 21 years. Then followed service with the rank of captain-Lieutenant in the Chasseurs regiment, where in 1797 he resigned as major.

Leaving a military career, Pushkin moved to Moscow and entered the Commissariat staff — at that time he was already married to his second cousin’s niece Hope Hannibal. Sergey Lvovich was ensure��NYM groom, owned villages Kistenevo and Boldino in the Nizhny Novgorod region, and his wife gave a good dowry — village of Mikhailovskoye in the Pskov province. The Affairs of the estates of Pushkin was not interested, for followed managers who were stealing from the owners. Despite the fact that Sergei Lvovich was quite stingy, the money he did not stay the poet’s father liked to live large, because of what the family had to economize. Silent and unsociable at home, in society, Pushkin was transformed: he became cheerful and communicative, arranged for the presentation the guests participated in games and recited by heart by Moliere.

raising children Sergey Lvovich was not interested, heirs engaged uncle and nanny. His eldest son Alexander relationship has always been difficult — particularly the future poet often complained to friends on the strictness and stinginess of her father.

the Conflict escalated in 1824, when Alexander was exiled to Mikhailovskoye by order of the Emperor. The poet has established the secular and ecclesiastical supervision, and the representative of the secular power became his father. Sergei Lvovich followed the son and wrote the report, was opened and read his correspondence, that he told the police about all the meetings and classes younger Pushkin. Father and son did not speak for several years, and only in 1828 Anton Delvig was able to reconcile them.

the Death of his son was for Pushkin the elder shocked. Until the end of his life he was blamed for what happened to her daughter Natalia. Sergei Lvovich took the widow’s estate in Mikhailovskoye and settled there, occasionally coming to St. Petersburg and Moscow. The last years of his life he spent alone — his wife died before the death of Alexander, and two other children departed.