Lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, who represents the interests of the family of Sergei Zakharov, who was killed in an accident provoked by Mikhail Efremov, published the correspondence with their clients, reported the Telegram-channel RT. In the dialogue we are talking about alleged there was a desire to take the artist’s material compensation.

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In correspondence Dobrovinsky indicates that in the media appeared information about the fact that Zakharov’s family was supposedly going to take money from Ephraim. The lawyer asks the brother of Zakharov – Valeria if this is true.

“Our decision has not changed, no compensation only court” – the answer should be.

Dobrovinsky emphasizes that a similar response was received from the wife of the deceased. The relatives of the victim of a car accident, arranged by Honored artist of the Russian Federation, unanimously insist on a fair court.

Became aware of a new twist in the case of Ephraim

The tragedy, which claimed the life of a man, as reported by “the Rambler”, was played on the evening of 8 June. Being drunk behind the wheel of a Jeep Grand Cherokee, Mikhail Efremov, moving on Smolensk square in Moscow, left on a counter strip where the forehead in a forehead has faced with a domestic van. Sergey Zakharov, who was sitting behind the wheel of a Lada, from the received traumas has died.


On Ephraim opened a criminal case. A few days ago in the media appeared information that the relatives of the deceased are willing to accept the artist’s worth about 3 million rubles as compensation for material and moral damages.