In Moscow today, June 12, is expected to 26 degrees, cloudy weather, rain, sometimes thunderstorms and hail. This was reported on the website of the Hydrometcenter of Russia.

the day Temperature in Moscow will be +24…26 degrees. In the night of Saturday, it can drop to 13 degrees.

Forecasters predict Northern and North-Eastern wind of 5-10 m/s, sometimes gusts can reach up to 14-19 m/s. Forecasters say that the atmospheric pressure decreases and in the middle of the day is 749 mm Hg. Relative humidity – about 70%.

In Moscow the temperature will vary between 21-26 degrees in the South to 30. The night the thermometer drops to 10.

because of the strong wind, rains and thunderstorms on June 12 in the Moscow region declared a yellow level of risk.