The world health organization (who) “in any case” no claims to the Russian statistics COVID-19. This was stated by the representative of the organization in Russia, Melita Vujnović, commenting on the words of the Director of the who programme on emergency health Michael Ryan, who called the deaths from the coronavirus in the country, “unusually low.”

According to Vujnović, Dr. Ryan is not a statistician, he had no experience in this area of expertise and he just expressed his opinion. While Vujnović noted that large volumes of testing for coronavirus has allowed Russia to achieve a “good understanding of what is happening with the epidemic,” writes RIA Novosti.

She stressed that the Russian figures reflect the real situation with the spread of the coronavirus, and the authorities fulfill who recommendations on the use of the international classification of diseases. Vujnović added that in Russia, almost 100% of cases of death is the autopsy, which increases the accuracy of the statistics.

Earlier, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov denied the allegations of underreporting of deaths in the country from COVID-19. He stressed that the Russian healthcare system during a pandemic coronavirus has proved its efficiency, allowing to treat a large number of people.