the Figures related to the epidemic of the coronavirus, on may 7 constantly declining, said Sergei Sobyanin in a live TV channel “Russia 24”.

the Number of identified cases COVID-19 decreased three-four times. Also in the capital, there are fewer cases of SARS with preliminary diagnosis of “coronavirus infection”.

the Restrictions imposed due to the spread of coronavirus infection, relieves Moscow step by step. Lifting of all restrictive measures will take about two months.

Since mid-may, the city gradually returns to normal. May 12, resumed the activities of the industrial and construction companies. From 1 June the newly earned food stores, shopping centers and a significant part of the service sector. Jobs returned hundreds of thousands of people.

With June 9 in the capital was canceled digital pass and isolation. Residents of the capital, including Muscovites over the age of 65 and citizens with chronic diseases, now have to go out, to go about their business and visit public places.

Mode isolation in the capital will be cancelled with vernikovsky gradually removes the restrictions on coronavirus

With 16 Jun will resume operations of dental clinics and companies working in the field of real estate, leasing, law, accounting, consulting on management, advertising, research market.

it will Be possible sporting events with the number of visitors to no more than 10 percent of the overall capacity of sports facilities.

Open air cafe (in hospital catering), library (subject to prior appointment), museums, galleries and the zoo (assuming the e-tickets). These organizations will be required to comply with the restrictions on the simultaneous number of visitors.

To work in its normal mode also returning to the Metropolitan hospital, redeveloped for the treatment of coronavirus infection.

a feat of medical workers: Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin for the salvation of patients with COVID-19Столичные hospitals will begin to operate normally two to three weeks.

to Learn more about the prevention of coronavirus and methods of combating the disease is possible by phone of hot line: +7 (495) 870-45-09 (daily from 08:00 to 21:00), as well as in special projects