Every day, keepers of culinary traditions from different parts of the region post the videos, which demonstrate how to properly bake authentic pies.
the Baton opened Veppsian rural settlement of Babayevsky district. Local inhabitants have shared their “pies for son-in-law”. Such cakes mother-in-law son-in-law was treated when first joining the guests in the parental house of his young wife after the wedding. Scanez (crispy thin bread) rolled from wheat flour, stuffed with sugar and quickly fried in a pan in butter.
Mistress of the village Sarojini kharovskogo district taught viewers of local traditional pies – posipost and Rybnik with pike. By the way, fish dishes are very popular. In Sarojini every summer even celebrate Kubanskoy soup.
Ustyuzhna – this is the town where the action is “Auditor”. As you know, I was extremely dissatisfied with the lunch in a provincial restaurant. But that’s because he didn’t try the specialties puff pie with potatoes, mushrooms and green onions. The recipe is ancient, but the name Gogol – “the mayor.” The Skvoznik-Dmuhanovsky.
In the Nyuksenitsa district, the culinary baton was picked up special, festive cake here baked Vitushka in Nyuksenitsa. In the East of the Vologda region it is called the Queen of butter pies. Submitted Vitushka on the most solemn feasts, were made of white flour. To make the hidden object could not every woman – it was a separate skill. Vitushka good always rises high, and its main feature is the decoration with the symbols of life and fertility: the “jibs”, “curls”, “flagella” – ancient characters, coming from time immemorial, signifying the wish for a long and prosperous life.
However, each district has its king cakes. In Kichmengsko-Gorodetsky – pie-prajenik, in the Vologda fishes with perch. And there is still master-classes on cooking of the crepe cake, markovnik, berry bushes, pie smelt, ritual cookies “Waders”, the wedding loaf, and more. Vologda pies have always been diverse.
Online-marathon “Pies of the Vologda region” is on page ““.