For the world day of environment, June 5, the Moscow children and youth centre of ecology, local lore and tourism starts. The main purpose of workshops and virtual tours to temporarily replace the real field nature for research.

the virtual eco-schools Pupils will be able to learn more about landscape features natural features and the basics of field geobotany, about what plants can be found in the capital region will learn to distinguish the voices of birds. In addition, the program included.

Students will take a virtual tour of natural areas together with the teachers. In the classroom teachers will tell you how to properly identify organisms, describe the state of ecosystems and the burden of human activities on them. They will focus on familiarity with the practical methods of study. Special equipment will be required: teachers will use the available demo data.

to Join the class can pupils of 5-10 classes in a group or individually, no special preparation is required. The project program consists of modules, each can.

Topics for upcoming webinars and information on how to get on virtual classes, published on the website of the center.