the Presidium of the coordination Council for the fight against the spread of the disease, the head of the Ministry of health said that in may the number of active medical staff has increased two times in comparison with April and has exceeded 450 thousand.

based On the filings of hospitals and regions the government has allocated more than 9.5 billion rubles for the presidential payoff (resolution of the government No. 484) and nearly 14.5 billion under the resolution No. 415. “All the funds have been transferred to the regions, all agreements are signed, all the documents are prepared,” – said Murashko.

the Presidential payment of accrued 243,5 thousand specialists. Under this category – health care workers directly providing inpatient care, and a designated ambulance – increase of personnel amounted to more than 60 percent. “Everyone should get to 10 the number of payments in full. Funds accrued”, – assured the Minister.

Increased the number of health workers receiving incentive payments for special working conditions and more stress. The increase was more than 70 percent, and the money assigned to more than 340 thousand people.