Almost a quarter of Russian toy market is filled with illegal products, concluded a research company BrandMonitor. The turnover of this sector amounts to 30 billion rubles per year, of which almost 26 billion rubles accounted for sales in offline stores and flea markets. According to experts, this is the highest figure for the last three years.About a quarter of the Russian market of children’s toys are fake. This is stated in the provided “y” the study BrandMonitor. It specified that the turnover in the segment of counterfeit children’s toys amounted to RUB 30 billion with a similar figure for the legal market RUB 100 billion the Basic part of counterfeit toys (86%) is sold via offline channels, including traditional stores and markets, found in BrandMonitor. According to analysts, through these points during the year were sold fake goods for children in aggregate for RUB 26 billion On online channels accounted for 14% of the total turnover of counterfeit toys, or RUB 4 billion a year. Of this amount 3 billion rubles. account for sales through the Russian Internet-stores, and RUB 1 billion is sales through social networks, message boards, the Internet and international online platforms. According to the observations BrandMonitor, more counterfeits — about 30% — have toy weapons, same for dolls, 35% — on toy robots, 39% at games and collectible figurines.Interviewed by “b” the number of Russian manufacturers of toys confirm the findings BrandMonitor. They said that this growth segment of aftermarket products for the last three years. The informants attribute this to reduction of incomes of the population, which saves money on buying toys.Forgery is almost two times cheaper than the originals, confirm BrandMonitor. They calculated that the average cost of original dolls is 1.2 million RUB and fake — 500 RUB. the Original set of a toy railway costs the consumer an average of 2 thousand rubles, and counterfeit products — 800 RUB. In Russia the problem of counterfeit toys is critical, insist in BrandMonitor. The company said that more than half of inhabitants of the Russian cities regularly buy children’s toys — they are willing to spend 650 RUB About 20% of companies surveyed Russians can afford to buy a toy for a child in the price range from 1 thousand to 2 thousand rubles. And only 9% of respondents are willing to spend up to 3 thousand rubles. Now the global toy market is in the growth stage, even despite the crisis caused by the pandemic COVID-19, the study says NPD Group. In the company as an example, leading the United States, where the background of the pandemic has increased the sales of children’s toys. In the same scenario the situation is developing in Russia.The main distribution channels of counterfeit products remains a toy of the small kiosks and markets, agrees CEO of the licensing Agency “Marmalade Media” (enters in GK “Ricky”) Maya Moskvicheva. Meanwhile, the Director of the Department of animation of STS Ksenia Gordeeva insists that precisely measure the shadow market of toys impossible. According to rough estimates, she continues, the volume of counterfeit children’s goods market is at least 40% of legal, 90% are just toys.CTC, which owns the rights to the animated series “Three cats”, often meets illegal soft toys and plastic figures. The suppression of the traffic in these products help specialized channel partners, for example, “Media-NN”, PHYS or Group-IB: “in Total we have more than 3 thousand won Russia’s courts in cases of counterfeit products, “Three cats”,” explains Ms. Gordeeva. According to the head of commercial activities of the film Studio “Soyuzmultfilm” (owns licenses to a number of toys), Vladimir Chibisov, up to 70% of counterfeit products sold in the country.Khalil Amine, Nikita Sharenkov