To sign up for a test for antibodies to COVID-19 is now possible through the app

In a mobile application “public Services of Moscow” and “My Moscow” has appeared an opportunity to enroll in ELISA testing for the presence of antibodies to COVID-19, which is held in the capital from may 27. To take a blood test is possible by appointment only.

the Service is available to people aged 18 years. Book in advance and take the test are those who have the Moscow compulsory health insurance policy, as well as those who do not have it, but attached to the city hospital. The recording is done two weeks before the visit. The user will be directed to the nearest clinic to the point of blood donation.

to schedule the test in the application “public Services of Moscow”, go to “the doctor”. Then you choose your name and click on the tab “Appointment with the doctor”. Next in the list of specialties and medical services will need to choose “the Blood (antibodies COVID-19)” and in the opened form — free specialist. To enter the data of policy OMS, to use the service, in the section “Profile”. If this information has already been entered by the user in the personal Cabinet on the portal it will automatically appear in the application.

In the application “My Moscow” service located under “Medicine”. In the dialog box, click on the button “Start”, then “sign to the doctor.” After that, the list of specialties and services offered chat-bot, you need to choose “the Blood (antibodies COVID-19)”. The data of medical insurance in the application you can enter in the “Settings” section. If you have personal account on entered and checked data of all the above information will appear in the app automatically.

to schedule an Appointment for testing is also possible on the portal To do this, the user must choose the tab “Service” the category “Health”, and in it a service “appointments to the doctor.” In the list of specializations need to find the tab “the Blood (antibodies COVID-19)”, and then choose a convenient date and time.

To test for antibodies to the virus you have the Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy, but not attached to an urban clinic, may call the blood drive on the district of residence. The administrator will record in the analysis on the phone. View full list of clinics where you do analysis, and find out how to donate blood, if there is no attachment to the city hospital, on the site.

to Make the test in 30 clinics under the health Department of the city of Moscow, by appointment. Points of blood collection are open daily from 08:00 to 20:00. Special preparation for blood donation is not needed. It is important to carry only the insurance and passport.

Due to a prior appointment will avoid queues and to reduce the spread of coronavirus infection. At the entrance to the clinic will have fever and will be given Shoe covers, mASSI and gloves. Residents with symptoms of SARS will be directed to the survey.

to reach the clinic by car or public transport, residents are required to issue a one-time digital pass to visit the medical organization. This can be done online on the portal by sending SMS to the number 7377 or by calling a single information service of the government of Moscow: +7 (495) 777-77-77.

How to get a digital pass: the answers to the questions

the Results are available in the electronic medical record user within three days from the date of blood donation. There will also be a detailed transcript of all indicators and a clear explanation of what to do next. To find out how to access the electronic medical record for a

the Results show, ill do people with coronavirus and he started to develop immunity, it hurts there now (perhaps asymptomatic) or until contact with the virus.

the city continues the study of the immunity of the inhabitants to coronavirus by random sampling. Muscovites are invited to a free blood test at the points, organized on the basis of the 30 city clinics. Also mandatory testing was conducted among patients nekovine hospitals.

it is planned to spend from three to six million tests. It was the biggest in the world the study of population immunity to COVID-19.