the Idea is to cancel the “Bank roaming” appeared at the beginning of 2019 and became law in mid-December. Now expire six months of entry into force. The initiative was proposed to the government the Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS).
authorities Conducted a market analysis to transfer money online citizens then showed that in this market with a share of 94% dominated by one player – Sberbank. So, in essence, cancel “Bank roaming” for Russia’s largest Bank.
This phenomenon has previously criticized former Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “We have a big country, but from the point of view this kind of online transactions is absolutely no difference and has no effect even on costs. Therefore, this regional discrimination is unacceptable and should be eliminated”, – he stressed.
In response to criticism, the head of Sberbank German Gref said that the Bank is preparing to cancel the Commission for interregional transfers (was 1% when you make on the website, the app or the ATM, a 1.5% when applying at the office) just in 2020.
Gref also emphasized that “one day, you cannot do that”, and in 2020 the Bank will change the monetization system transfers, which will completely remove the said commissions.
Gref linked the process and connect to the system fast payments (SBP) launched in 2019 by the Bank of Russia. Last week the savings Bank has completed a full connection of customers to the SBP, said the first Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Olga Skorobogatova. Clients of Sberbank can now free to transfer up to 100 thousand rubles per month in other banks – participants of the SBP, including VTB, Alfa Bank and other major banks (and Vice versa). The Bank said that this service is available to all customers in a mobile application “Sberbank Online” on iOS and Android platforms.
to use the transfer using SBP in the application of the savings Bank, must be first in your profile settings select the tab “treaties and Agreements”, it down to choose a connection to CBP and confirm your consent. Only after that transfers through faster payments will be available in the section “Payments”. As previously indicated Gref, 95% of all inter-regional transfers of the savings Bank and so was free, but for the other 5% “the Commission is not the most successful.”
in the Autumn, first Deputy Chairman of Sberbank Alexander Vedyahin said in an interview with RIA Novosti that the Bank is preparing to move from commissions for a separate operation to the first packages, and then for personal rates. The transition to such a scheme already operating in a number of major banks, Sberbank was not connected with the problem of the abolition of the “Bank roaming”.
the Bank of Russia from June 1 to limit the acquiring of a fee for payment of medical services. Until 30 September it Maxim��Sal value should not exceed 1%. Limit fee applies to clinics and hospitals, medical labs, emergency care and licensed physicians engaged in General or specialized medicine. The decision will reduce the fee by more than 1.5 times the current level, calculated in the Central Bank.
Previously the Bank of Russia is limited to 30 Sep acquiring commissions for online purchases of foods and of food, medicines and other medical supplies, clothes, goods of daily demand.
Acquiring the fee paid by merchants for the ability to accept credit cards. Income is divided into the payment system, Bank-card Issuer and Bank, servicing the payment infrastructure.