The Ministry of health has approved Russia’s first cure for coronavirus

the Ministry of health approved the first in Russia the drug from coronavirus. This was reported on the website of the state register of medicines of Ukraine, reports TASS.

we are Talking about domestic Lekarstva “Aviewer” production RDIF and Chemrar. Or modified international nonproprietary or chemical name of the medicine — “Favipiravir”. Previously it has been used in the treatment of Ebola.

“”Epiwafer” is not only the first antiviral drug that was against coronavirus in Russia, but perhaps the most promising cure against COVID-19 in the world,” — said General Director of the Russian direct investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev.

on may 24, chief urologist of the Ministry of health, academician Dmitry Pushkar said that the first drug for the treatment of coronavirus will appear on the Russian market in June. According to the doctor, with this drug treatment for coronavirus infection will take no more than a week.

In April, it was reported that 17 Russian hospitals on patients with COVID-19 will start clinical tests of Japanese drug “Favipiravir” (also known as “Avigan”) against new strains of influenza. This drug is not sold in the market due negative effects on pregnant women.

In recent days in Russia revealed 8952 cases of infection with novel coronavirus infection. The country coronavirus was confirmed in 396 575 people. Of which 4.5 thousand died, more than 167 thousand patients have recovered.

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