But it has happened. This can be seen, for example, reading the correspondence of Pushkin, Gogol, Chekhov… Or the classics.

Anton Chekhov, for example, bought the farm in the Moscow province and intended to engage in literature. And had to falernum doctor. Without pay from the Zemstvo… It was in 1892 in the Russian Empire was an outbreak of the epidemic. Largely thanks to Anton Pavlovich, in Melikhov and others entrusted to him 25 villages, all was quiet.

Then, when the epidemic receded, the Czechs were finally engaged in the literature, and wrote several works.

Alexander Pushkin because of (or thanks to?) cholera quarantine in 1831, was closed for two weeks in another town, Moscow province – in the village Platava.

In a letter to his wife Natalia Nikolaevna complained about the conditions in which had to stay. But he continued to work productively. Finished poems, peeping stories for new works.

For half a century – from the time of Pushkin to Chekhov – in the fight against cholera almost no progress. In some areas of the doctors who tried to explain the elementary rules of hygiene still was ready to inflict violence, and cholera barracks to burn.

However, in the same Melikhov men, in spite of the ironic fears of Anton Chekhov, did not beat anyone – on the contrary listened and was very respectful to my doctor. And where there were doctors (not to be confused with medicine men) of the nation – a hero brought in the story of Nicholas Leskov.