But statistics recorded an increase in the consumption of milk and dairy products to 300 grams per capita consumption. In the first quarter it reached 21.9 kg.

And the Blue-eyed inhabitants were more likely to consume in their diets meat and meat products. Per person per month, on average, accounts for 6.4 kg of animal products. However, increased in the Republic of demand for confectionery and sugar, but the consumption of fish and fish products was reduced to 100 grams, amounting to 1.2 kg per month.

the national statistical Committee confirms that the population is still monthly consumes 6.7 kg of bread, 900 grams of vegetable fat, 19 eggs, 6.5 kg of vegetables and melons, 6.3 kg of fruits and berries.

as for the rest of a set food basket, it is a noticeable change this year has not happened, although in a sample survey of households was not taken into account products which were in demand in the catering facilities.