And often failed, not the technical system and the psychological unpreparedness of many people to work from home. To such conclusion participants of the online conference “DigitalRemoteOffice: digital platforms and services for telecommuting.”

Experts have identified three main areas that need to pay attention to when the transfer of employees to “udalenka”. This is to ensure safe access to it infrastructure, remote monitoring work and interaction with employees. The last in the current environment should be given special attention: only written communications are not enough, you need to communicate by phone and video link. To work effectively from home hinder many aspects of everyday. One door is being renovated, the other has no opportunity to be alone and isolated from family. And someone not psychologically ready to work from home, can’t organize and get something to do. Such people should be allowed to be in the office, the experts advise.

But not only the employers but also the employees themselves have to take care that the efficiency of “distance” has not decreased. “We need to develop a work plan for the day, organize your workspace, change your pajamas to work clothes to send to relatives in another room, not be distracted by social networks and other entertainment, to do their job. Only when you have a structured work plan for the day, you will normally do,” said the founder of the exchanges of remote work Freelance.gecirir Anoshin. He stressed that it is necessary to provide breaks, and weekends to relax in the evenings.

Technical difficulties in the transition to the “udalenka” too. For example, increased the number of videoconferences periodically have difficulty with the “image” and sound quality, said the Director of cloud technologies CDNvideo Andrey Listopad. Many employees work from home on their own laptops to service these devices in remote format is more complicated than in the office when the it technician can approach any employee and see what the problem is.

Finally, not all homes consistently working Internet. Even it professionals – one of the experts of the conference, for example, for this reason, participated in it from my own car. But technical problems, in contrast to psychological, easier to solve. It companies offer many solutions to help your business transition to “udalenka”. Among them, corporate instant messenger, which is connected to the base of the company’s employees – it’s easy to find the right person and then to write to him. Or applications replacing complicated to set up a virtual PBX. Using such an application is 10-15 minutes to choose and buy a landline number, post it on the corporate website or in the manuals and start taking ringing��I. using the app you can also track missed calls, call back, and so on. Another useful tool is a professional designer, voice robot, with its help it is possible to collect almost any scenario of conversation.

Developers of similar decisions said that day on “udalenke” increased calls now start earlier and end later than before the pandemic. This is due to the fact that people don’t go down into the subway and not spend time on the road.

a Separate online topic of the conference was to discuss the prospects of freelancers. Some experts believe that after the pandemic, the company will transfer more functions freelance workers because it is easier to operate, they are cheaper so you can save money and spend it on something else. Others believe that the business needs to rely on its employees. “We had the experience of working with freelancers and remote teams. For us a headache – that such work”, – said Vice-President of commercial it systems UtairАртем Shevchenko. To a freelancer to work effectively, according to him, requires a very high level of structuring of tasks. Besides freelancer, you need time to understand specific business or project. Internal employee already knows and understands everything. “Your employee is your value, and this trend will only increase”, – said Shevchenko.

He also drew attention to the fact that employees should be as in-demand market skills – relatively speaking, everyone should be able to work in Excel and know a foreign language. The more the company employees with generic skills, the stronger it is. Cyril Anoshin from agreed that freelance should give global processes, but some point he may decide.According to him, the problem with freelancers is often in the wrong setting tasks and shifting responsibility for their execution. You need to work with freelancers very carefully and gently, he said.

How will the labour market after the pandemic, while difficult to predict, experts say. Moreover, many companies today are preparing for the second wave of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the fall. That the world will change, obviously, but no one yet understands. The company is not ready to say how many employees they will leave on “udalenke” after the lifting of restrictions. Many will have to find a new job, and the advantage will be it professionals – and the demand for them will only increase. Die many startups that were started before the crisis, because their place in the new reality is not obvious. But there will be others who will offer the in demand technology and products.

What can you say for sure that�� that are very popular are so-called “soft skills” – the ability to build teamwork, to negotiate and to negotiate, a willingness to make decisions and take responsibility for them, emotional intelligence (it’s just about the ability to enter the position of the employee behind the wall to repair). Even in 2015, a study by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and the Research center of the University of Stanford proved that “hard skills” (the ability to cook to cook and to heal people – for the doctor) is up only 15% of success in the profession. 85% of success is soft skills.

and today the readiness to listen to people, ability to communicate, leadership qualities come to the fore. Benefit those companies whose leaders possess emotional intelligence and are able to unite people. People are the basic capital core value of the business, regardless of whether it is working remotely or not, the experts concluded.