the Similar lawsuits against the automaker’s advanced 260 thousand clients for a total amount of 830 million euros, according to the radio station Rundfunk Min.

“I’m very happy that it happened. This will help to find the truth to thousands of other claimants,” – commented the decision of the court in Karlsruhe 65-year-old Herbert Gilbert.

Retired bought a car VW Sharan in January 2014, approximately 31 500 euros. The car is equipped with the diesel engine EA 189, which is located in the center of the scandal with the exhaust gases. Volkswagen admitted in September 2015 that were using illegal software in eleven million vehicles worldwide. Claims abroad already paid compensation of 30 billion euros.

the Process of a pensioner against Volkswagen is considered to be Central in the legal dispute over claims of an unacceptable underestimation of indicators of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. A Federal judge formally decided the only individual case, but the regional and higher regional courts will be to focus on it.

the Federal court ruled that the owners will get compensation from the calculation of the lifetime of the car, the previous mileage and the expected total mileage. “Volkswagen had acted in their own interests and with a view to profit through deliberate deceit, – stated in the court’s opinion. – There was also the risk of revocation of permission to use the vehicles, which is particularly reprehensible.”

According to VW, around 60,000 cases are still pending. A quarter of a million Germans filed a collective lawsuit against the group. Citizens feel cheated. Some owners could not sell cars at the prices that they expected.