Online cinema Okko show Thriller “In isolation”. About it reported in a press release received by the editors”.ru”.

the plot of the series revolves around young girls who are trapped in some strange, ancient hospital, while all around rages the deadly virus of mysterious origin. The heroine soon realize that they have some medical experiments. Film based on the novel by Steve SEM-Sandberg, in which the action takes place in Nazi Germany. Online cinema recommends you watch new on may 26.

Morning, 9:00, Okko offers a morning workout in the program “Fitness against the virus”. At 12:00 — a short and fascinating lecture for children about the mysteries of the brain and the importance of its development from Andrew Joyce brothers here.

by Day, 14:00 viewers recommend culinary lecture “Cooking at home with the Novikov School” with a recipe for broccoli soup. Later, in 16:00, is a TV show, “the Journey of Gordon Ramsay, Gino and Fred,” in which famous chefs visit their native places — Scotland, Italy, France and talk about the features of the local cuisine. At 17:00 — Italian Comedy “Neapolitan crooks” about a trio of poachers who hunt for songbirds.

Evening 19:00, the user is prompted to see the online performance of the Alexandrinsky theatre on the play by Boris Akunin “drama on sossa. Trial”. It will feature the participation of Maria Mironova, Konstantin Bogomolov, Alexey Pivovarov, Tatyana Tolstaya. During the broadcast viewers will be able to make a donation, all proceeds go to the funds of the “Artist” and “Children’s hospice”.

21:00 tale by Rudyard Kipling “the Cat that walked by himself”. At 22:00 online cinema recommends you watch the series “In isolation”.

Okko provides its subscribers a new type of content delivery: shaped like the classic TV program transmission, but it is personalized and tailored to the wishes and needs of each user, and is also available every day. Read more about main events and premieres online cinema next week read our collection.