The number recovered from COVID-19 in Primorye per night for the first time doubled the number of identified cases, according to the government of the region.

As reported Tuesday at a meeting of the regional operational headquarters head of territorial administration of Rospotrebnadzor in Primorsky Krai Tatyana Cetkovska, over the past day showed 40 people infected with coronavirus. Thus, to date, the total number of cases amounted to 1735 people. Growth per day of 2.3%.

"however, as noted by the Governor Oleg Kozhemyako, the number recovered per day for the first time exceeded the number of cases – and more than two times, amounting to 89 people. Since the beginning of the epidemic have coped with a dangerous infection of the 706 patients", – stated in the message.

"Our task now is to ensure that the increase in cases was balanced by the number of prescribed patients. So we have sufficient Fund for a possible outbreak and to respond to new foci. So we continue the work of the administrative commissions, pay special attention to public transport, shops and services," said the Governor, whose words are reported.

In Primorye, with March 31 the mode of complete isolation, from April 30 – mask mode. Restrictive measures in the region has been extended to 1 June.

Relevant data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.