As noted is now in the sports institutions will have to abide by strict hygiene rules. Empty inside will be available only when the face mask, and when entering and exiting people will be required to disinfect the hands. In addition, it is recommended to measure the temperature of visitors to swimming pools and gyms, and not to let them, if it exceeds 37.5 degrees. Besides, customers will have to specify in a special questionnaire, how they feel, whether they were quarantined due to the coronavirus. These data will be stored for 14 days.

During training indoors, you must observe a distance of two meters from other people in the pool are allowed only if each person in the water person has 7 square meters, and to relax in the sun loungers next to installed only at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. Another innovation was the compulsory disinfection of each simulator or projectile after it is in use.

Another paragraph of the rules caused discontent of the owners of sports centers. Authorities ordered the instructors to wear the mask, causing the voice becomes muffled. In the pool it may prevent the visitor to hear any requirement or warning.

the Opening of swimming pools and gyms became the next step in the process of Italy’s exit from quarantine. In the country previously opened shops, bars, restaurants, the lifting of restrictions on movement.