Regular screening in the city organized for all employees who have direct contact with residents. Such testing, explained in a press-service of staff, necessary for two reasons. First, it is important to identify asymptomatic carriers of the virus and isolate them. This is especially true for those who regularly interacts with the residents. Second, social workers who have already developed antibodies to the coronavirus that can help people who are being treated for COVID-19 at home – to go food, medicine, walk Pets, or emptying the trash. The head of the operational headquarters of the network of centers of social services of the city of Moscow Artem Alekseev said:

– Testing helps to identify the presence of antibodies to coronavirus infection in our employees. This is necessary so that social workers could safely deliver the residents with COVID-19 directly, which is more efficient and will allow you to reach more number of needy.

That diagnosis was the most secure, social workers were divided into small groups and distributed on time. At the entrance visitors be sure to measure the temperature, give antiseptics and disposable Shoe covers. After giving blood they can restore power to sweet tea and chocolate.

Ill COVID-19 can also become donors of blood plasma. Doctors say that patients who are transfused plasma, quicker.

Employee of the territorial social service center “Arbat” Anton Volkov said: “I had been exposed to coronavirus infection, tested for the presence of antibodies and now as a social assistant working with the Muscovites, under the home treatment. I donated plasma for the people who still continue to fight this disease. Most had recovered from COVID-19 relaxed and forgot about how they themselves were at home in quarantine in the number of cases. Many people don’t think that you can help those who are downtrodden. If everyone make a contribution − become a donor or volunteer, the city will return to normal life much faster.”

help “RG”

17 April in the capital works call center for plasma donors, where Muscovites treated, recover from coronavirus infection: 8 (495) 870-45-16. Hotline operators take calls from potential volunteers, and provide the necessary information, and also contact with healthy people and invite them to become plasma donors or volunteers to work with ill COVID-19 people.