All of these epidemics a busy few weeks we live under the slogan “wash your hands!” Experts repeat like a mantra: it is by frequent and proper handling your hands with soap is the most important prevention, can protect us from diseases dangerous coronavirus. In this connection it is interesting to see the “index of washing hands” we have in other countries. Where I live the biggest chistyuli, and “kovid” not terrible? In this rating Russia?
in 2008 it established a new world holiday – Day of hand washing, which are already noted on 15 October. It was on the occasion of this event, in October of last year, experts have carried out a statistical study whose objective was to determine the activity of citizens of different countries in terms of hand hygiene.
the Results, published by the British news publication Big Think, look very interesting and even somewhat paradoxical.
it Turns out that “peaceful” time when no one never heard about any coronavirus, in the different countries of Europe there was a large variation in the popularity of this hygienic procedure. And the leaders and outsiders in the “rakovina” ranking and in the ranking of cultural, industrial was not the same country.
the Most actively manifested in daily life care to clean their hands before meals and after using the toilet, the citizens of several countries where the majority of the population is Muslim. Bosnia – 96%, Turkey – 94%.
the Following top-rated group of countries of southern Europe. Portugal – 85%, Greece and Romania – 84%, Serbia – 83%.
But no clearly linked to the geography of the system was not found. Neighbouring Portuguese “neat” Spain gave a very mediocre indicator: there regularly wash their hands only 61% of the population, and in Italy – total less: 57%. In France such – 62%.
let us now Look at measures of the frequency of hand-washing in other countries –industrial and cultural leaders of Western Europe. Sweden and Germany – 78%, UK 75%, Switzerland – 73%, Austria – 65%.
The masters “messy” according to a statistical studies were residents of the Netherlands only every second of them regularly wash hands before meals and after using the toilet.
And what in Eastern Europe?
Ukraine 71%, Poland – 68%, Latvia – 65%.
of Course, I can’t wait to find out the place of Russia in this “holiday hygiene”. In the English edition the figures, contributes little to the emergence of a sense of pride. According to the organizers of the survey, in our country, clean hands thoroughly committed only 63% of the citizens. Though the French and the Italians we have overtaken, but the ranking is very far away. (By the way, pretty close highest were obtained in another similar survey, hosted two years earlier, the company Essity: after questioning thousands of people, the researchers found that every third Russian does not feel discomfort, if he has not washed hands.)
Recall, information about 63% of our citizens, regularly washing hands, apply by October 2019. And how has the situation changed in Russia now, when this procedure became in the literal sense of the word a way to save his own life?
Here are the figures, published by the Center Romir Gallup International on the results of a telephone survey conducted in the period from 13 to 19 April in different regions of the country. Despite the rampant “kovida” 20% of respondents said that they are in the period of epidemic, wash your hands as often than before. A further 11% is a hardy man or are lazy: they do not monitor the hygiene of their hands.
are There any explanations about such a bleak picture? According to experts in the field of social psychology Sergei Mikhailov, perhaps, in this case, the effect of load resistance. Too insistent appeals to carefully monitor the cleanliness of hands has caused some people have the opposite reaction: that’s, like, scare us, and no risk here and there! Mikhailov also States that generally no habits of washing hands often is one of the features of everyday culture of our fellow citizens, prevailing over many decades of life in a rather “Spartan” conditions.
Read also: “How the world came out of the pandemic “Spanish flu”: coronavirus repeats the past”