The Russian government has not considered distribution of all funds of the national welfare Fund (NWF) to the population, said the head of the Ministry Anton Kotkov. So he answered the question of what the Fund’s resources would be enough to pay every resident of the country on 54 thousand rubles. the Minister Also said that to achieve a reduction of poverty by half by 2024 it will be difficult.”Take and give all that was formed by the Ministry of Finance in recent years as an airbag, this option was not considered. The option was considered with the involvement of part of the resources for the solution of current problems,” said Mr. Katkov in the program “Pozner”.According to the Minister, different countries have chosen different approaches to supporting the economy and population. Somewhere supporting entrepreneurs, and somewhere directly to individuals. In Russia there was an attempt to make a combined version. “We have directed part of the resources earmarked for the support of the citizens… and part of the resources directed to the economy, to boost production, stimulate demand and create conditions for the preservation of labour collectives”,— said the head of the Ministry of labor. Only the social support of the population in Russia has written to 570 billion rubles. Mr. Kotyakov also said in the broadcast that to achieve a reduction in the number of poor by half by 2024 it will be difficult. But he believes that it is possible. “I agree with you that to achieve this will be difficult, but I can’t say that it would be impossible for the simple reason that we have a number of tools that can allow us to do it,”— said the Minister.Recall that the goal of reducing the number of poor from 13.3% to 6.6% came from President Vladimir Putin. According to Rosstat, the number of people with incomes below the subsistence minimum in Russia from January to September 2019 totaled 19.2 million or 13.1%.About who in Russia considers itself the poor— in the material “Kommersant” “self Esteem took out”.
Labor Minister: government did not consider the option of distributing all of the Fund’s assets to the population
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