Russians from Omsk who live in the hostel outside the 11th Cheredova, locked in a house, completely forbidding them to go outside. Earlier in the block, there were several cases of coronavirus infection, so nearly 500 people were on a rigid quarantine. This writes
The entrances to the entrance guarded by police — citizens allegedly not comply with the isolation. However, the resolution of the quarantine, residents no one showed because it yet. Because of these restrictions people have had problems: people can’t go to work, to the pharmacy for medications and even to the grocery store. Mainly residents help out relatives and friends who bring them food.
“And who family, acquaintances in town, just walking pieces of bread together in the Dorm. From famine first, someone like ran into the store through the back passage, but then the door was boarded up. Someone rumored to have jumped from the second floor in the store. One of the moms was out of formula for the baby, she was crying, persuaded the police to release product,” — said one of the occupants of Elena.
In desperation, the tenants wrote a collective letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Governor and Prosecutor of the Omsk region. The Russians reported that no official conclusions about “coronavirus” the house, the CPS did not give them, and demanded to understand the situation.