Czech airlines Czech Airlines after a two-month hiatus resumed international flights. Monday regular flights will begin from Prague to Paris, Amsterdam and Frankfurt-on-main, reported on the website of the carrier.

the end of the month will also resume flights to Stockholm (from 21 may) and Bucharest (may 25). As explained by the official representative of the carrier Vladimir Dufkova soon from Prague will also be available in Kyiv and Odessa (24 and 25 may, respectively). The exact date of recovery flights on other areas is still unknown, but it is expected that a full-fledged airline start-up in June, when various countries begin to lift restrictions on movement.

Czech Airlines emphasize that during the flight, all passengers and crew members will be required to use a medical mask (and everyone should bring it with you), and when boarding the plane and disembarking to comply with the social distance of two meters.

According to local media reports, the first flight will be half empty that will accommodate passengers at a safe distance from each other. In the future, is expected to remain unoccupied middle seat in the row. To reduce the risk of infection by coronavirus, the company will temporarily refuse the sale of goods on Board, limit menu, before each flight and after it will carry out a complete disinfection of the cabin. However, this promise to all carriers.