Died a former member of the Federation Council and state Duma Deputy Viktor Shudegov. About it have informed in regional branch of party “Fair Russia” in the Udmurt Republic.
the Cause of his death has become the coronavirus infection. He was 67 years old.
Shudegov was a doctor physical and mathematical science. He has written more than 380 scientific papers on the problems of science, education, social protection, ecology, solid state physics, nanotechnology, articles on normative-technical and innovation in the field of science and higher education.
the post lawmaker he remembered a number of initiatives, among them equating to mock the teacher for insulting a representative of authorities and a ban to officials to enter into contracts with companies where managerial positions are working their relatives.
In recent days, Russia has recorded 9,200 cases of infection in 83 regions. For the entire period of the epidemic in Russia died 2537 patients with coronavirus, recovered 63, 166.