Doctor of the highest category, otolaryngologist Vladimir Zaitsev told how the coronavirus affects the human body.

According to him, first and foremost, the virus weakens the immune system, causing the patient goes into a immunosuppression. In addition, it can develop bronchopulmonary disease, even if he didn’t suffer.

As explained by the doctor at COVID-19 is the defeat of almost all floors of the respiratory system.

"If with the common cold, SARS or respiratory diseases, inflammation is kept at the level of the nasal cavity or throat, at coronavirus infection affected mucosa of the nasal cavity may, paranasal sinuses, posterior pharyngeal wall, hypopharynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs," he said in an interview with TV channel "Star".

The most dangerous complication, which can cause the coronavirus, hares called multiple organ failure.

"Coronavirus can cause acute condition — a condition of acute pancreatitis, congestive heart failure," he said.

According to the latest data, in Russia the number of cases of infection with coronavirus exceeded 272 thousand, more than two and a half thousand people died, about 63 thousand recovered.

Relevant data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.
