on may 15 (old style — 3 may) 1891 in Kiev in a family of Church historian Afanasy Ivanovich and teacher Varvara Mikhailovna Bulgakov appeared

Musically gifted, educated and well-read children Bulgakov was brought up in love and affection. They supported each other throughout life, helping her in trouble, a terrible fight and miss each other. As the fate of six Junior Bulgakov — in joint material and the Agency “Moscow”.

in 1892 In Bulgakov’s family had their second baby girl Faith. She sang in the choir, loved the theatre and participated in all performances, which were played in the Kiev house of Bulgakov Andreevskom and at the cottage in Bucha. Home performance has been a family tradition, and the memories of younger sisters Bulgakov, wrote for them, it is he.

All the girls Bulgakov’s choice of the father was studying at the Church of St. Catherine in Kiev, which the people called “German”. After graduating from high school Faith acted in Vrubelevsky pedagogical Institute for training teachers of preschool children in families and kindergartens.

During the First world war, along with his older brother, the girl worked in the Saratov hospital. Michael was a doctor, she is To the nursing profession of Faith back during the great Patriotic war, remembering the instructions of his brother. With the Faith of the writer were very close until he grew up the rest of the sisters, with her he had shared his dreams, she was asked to follow the manuscripts which were sent to Kiev, while he was in the service in the Caucasus.

In 1921 he wrote to her:

Married Vera married in the 1960s, it ceased to recognise close. Cared for her husband, after whose death in 1971, the relatives put Vera Afanasievna in a psychiatric hospital in Moscow, where she was kept until departure from life.

the Second sister of Bulgakov was born a year after Faith. The leader and cheerleader, she organized all family events. In 1912, the Hope went to Moscow, where he graduated from historical-philological faculty of the Higher women’s courses under the direction of historian Vladimir Guerrier. The programme included a large block of legal knowledge, so the girl got a broad education.

growing up, Hope gradually became Michael very close of all the brothers and sisters. She kept a very detailed diary, which would later write a biography of his brother. It Nade young Mikhail told about his dream to become a writer and showed the outline of the first word.

In 1917, Nadezhda married the scholar — graduates of the Moscow University, with whom a year later moved to Samara, where he became a teacher. The couple had three daughters: Elena, who died in infancy, Olga and another Elena, named in honor of the deceased. In 1921 the family returned to Moscow and settled in apartment number 50 Bolshaya Sadovaya, in the house 10. Here autumn has arrived and moved to the capital Mikhail Bulgakov.

the Whole life of the Hopes of the Zemstvo was associated teaching at various times, she was head of the school and worked at the Moscow pedagogical Institute of V. P. Potemkin. When in 1931, husband of Hope, was arrested for counterrevolutionary activities and sent to Siberia for five years, Bulgakov’s sister was fired as Director of school and was evicted from service apartments to the barracks with two children.

She twice went to her husband in exile and in 1934 he sought a review of his case. All charges with the district removed a year before the end of the term. This Hope helped the literary critic Isaac Nusinov —creation of her brother. Bulgakov could not forgive the sister and friendly relations with your enemy. Don’t forgive Nadia this friendship, and Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova. In his diary for 1933, the third wife of Bulgakov wrote:

Hope was on duty at the bedside of a dying brother, asked him to write memories about the family. But Bulgakov was “Interesting to read that he came to visit uncle and toys brought… Must be able to write. It is necessary to write to the person who knows the magazine the style and laws of journalism, the laws of creation” — she recalled categorical words of the brother.

Hope Zemsky lived a long life and died at age 78 from heart disease.

the Darling of the mother, named in her honor, the family was called Varya. Fun and pretty, she skillfully played the guitar and piano, sang, so after high school he entered the Kiev Conservatory in piano. Barbara studied for only three years — in 1917, the girl married a Baltic German officer

Varia did not hide his love for his wife, he married her: “the Barbara I was attracted, first, a great reputation, which she enjoyed; secondly, the society which surrounded her. Finally, I believed that I am in intelligent environment: Barbara was the daughter of the late Professor of the Theological Academy…” — he admitted in his autobiography “My life. A novel without lies”.

the Relationship with the older brother of the wife of the Karum

Bulgakov’s Second wife Lyubov Belozerskaya remembered this episode:

Barbara moved frequently for her husband, who served with any authority. After graduating from the German correspondence Department of the Moscow higher courses of foreign languages courses, she was fond of music. At different times he worked as a translator and German teacher, gave private music lessons and worked with children in kindergarten. When in 1931 her husband once again arrested, and after WWSobozrenie, she sold an apartment in Kiev, took the daughter and went to the Karum. Leonid worked as a German teacher at the Novosibirsk medical Institute, and later became head of the Department of foreign languages and Varvara Afanasievna to 1954 taught the German students of the pedagogical Institute.

She died 20 years after moving to Novosibirsk in a psychiatric hospital from the effects of multiple sclerosis.

Elena, or Helen, as it was called native, was a dark— haired, short, gray-eyed girl was very different from the stately blond sisters. She was often ill, but was cheerful and happy child. Lola did well in school and after Kiev gymnasium in 1923, he entered the philological faculty of Moscow University.

At this time, the girl often came to visit my brother and his first wife, where he met with a friend of Bulgakov, a writer. Young people fell for each other, but Michael was against this relationship — it did not suit the financial situation of the other, and he refused Kataev when he asked for the hand of Helen. By the time the father Bulgakov was already dead, and its functions assumed by Mikhail. Hope talked to her and soon she stopped seeing Kataev. Writer friends, we had a falling out and stopped communicating.

Nadezhda Afanasievna to distract Lelia, introduced her to a friend of her husband, philologist. In 1925, Helen got married and moved into an apartment to the spouse.

Lola worked as the school librarian, and Svetlov taught at the Moscow pedagogical Institute and together with her husband, Hope, Rural, worked on manuals in Russian language. After the birth of his daughter Varya in 1929, the couple moved to a communal apartment, where they visited sister Helen and their families. Irina Karum, the daughter of Varvara Afanasievna, wrote in his diary:

did Not stop the relationship with his brother — Elena had a relationship with all the wives Bulgakov took care of the writer during his illness and in the last year almost every day visited him. Have Suetlivyh the apartment had no phone, so family members they communicated with.

in 1941, Elena and daughter lived in Novosibirsk’s sister Barbara — she worked at two institutions, taught Russian language and literature. In 1943, Lola returned to Moscow, and doctors soon discovered she had heart disease. In 52 years Helen died of a brain haemorrhage in his home in the arms of her husband.

the fate of younger brothers Bulgakov strongly intertwined. As Michael, the same age Nicholas and Ivan studied at the Imperial Alexander gymnasium, but Ivan did not graduate from the institution. Nicholas followed in the footsteps of older brother in 1918 he entered the medical faculty of the Kiev Imperial University of St. Vladimir (now — Kyiv national��Linyi University named after Taras Shevchenko), but studied there for about two months — and soon all the educational institutions were closed.

Nikolai and Ivan were. They met in Crimea at the beginning of 1920, when the composition of individual military units participated in the defense of the Peninsula under the control of General Slaschova James (the prototype of General Khludov in Bulgakov’s “the Race”).

after Leaving the Crimea in the Armed forces of South Russia, Bulgakov was in Gallipoli camp (in the vicinity of the Greek city of Gallipoli). After its disbandment in 1921 they went different ways. Ivan and his army went Bulgaria, where he married a Russian immigrant.

Nicholas went to Croatian Zagreb again he entered the University in the medical faculty. After studying the young man remained at the Department of bacteriology, and soon his scientific work is recognized a French Professor Felix d Erel and in 1929 caused Nicholas to Paris. There he became

Ivan Bulgakov in 1930 were also in Paris together with his family he moved to France at the call of his brother. Ivan, from childhood well playing the balalaika, got a job, where he worked all his life. In 1931, he wrote to Michael:

In the years 1934-1935 Mikhail Bulgakov filed a petition to travel to France but permission. With his brothers he had not seen even once in 1919, when he left the army. Until the end of his life, he communicated with them only in writing.

Nikolai and Ivan passed away in 68 years and was buried in Paris at the Russian cemetery